Actions Section |
Section in the Issues Tab that allows performing actions on a selected Issue, such as Re-Check, Dismiss, or setting Status and Priority. |
Active Volume Toggle |
Determines if a Volume is considered during processing. Independent of the GameObject’s active status. |
Add Volume Button |
Used to create a new ZFighter Volume in the scene. |
Auto Dismiss |
An action that automatically sets issues with certain conditions (like area size or missing objects) to the Dismissed status. |
Backface |
The side of a polygon with the negative normal. This is often not rendered in the Material. |
Blink |
The fade-in and fade-out of the Overlap visual material. |
Clear All Data Button |
Removes the ZFighter objects & data from the active scene, and resets the Detection Settings to defaults. Other scenes in the project will not be affected. |
Clear Issues Button |
Removes all Issues for the active scene, including Overlap visuals, user-edited changes such as Notes, Status, Priority, etc. The scene will now be processed as if it were the first time. |
Column Headers |
Headers used in the Issues List for sorting and organizing issues by various properties. |
Current |
This Issue was included in the latest Process, so all the data is up-to-date. |
Data Status |
Whether the Issue was included in the most recent Process Scene operation. The options are Current, Partial, or Outdated. |
Detection Settings |
All the settings that define what is and is not included in a Process Scene operation. |
Dismiss / Dismissed |
A status or action marking a z-fighting issue as resolved or ignored. |
Exclusions Section |
A collection of settings that allows ZFighter to exclude various properties and objects from processing, such as Materials, Meshes, GameObjects, LODs, Tags, Layers, renderer types, etc. |
Find in Scene Section |
Section in Issue Details that contains buttons (Object, Asset, Focus, Show All, Hide All) to locate and display Issues in the Scene view. |
Focus Button |
A button in the Issue Details section that moves the Scene view to the Issue's Overlap area and hides all other Overlaps from the Scene view. |
Frontface |
The side of a polygon that is the positive normal, usually the outside or visible side. |
Hide All Button |
A button in the Issue Details section that hides all Overlap areas in the Scene View when focusing on an issue. |
Initialize Scene Button |
Button only visible in a scene with no ZFighter data, that readies the scene to be processed by creating a data-holding GameObject. |
Issue Details Section |
Section in Issues Tab that displays the objects, type, size, name, etc of a selected Issue or Issues. |
Issues List |
The list of potential z-fighting Issues found after processing the scene, with tools for sorting, searching, and filtering. |
Issues Tab |
The tab that shows the results of a Process Scene operation, including the Issues List, Issue Details, and View Options. |
LOD (Level of Detail) Groups |
A Unity component that manages different levels of detail for models. ZFighter settings can restrict or ignore LOD levels when detecting z-fighting. |
Name |
The name assigned to a z-fighting Issue, which is editable and can be used for searching. The default name for an issue is the GameObject names that are involved in the Issue. |
Notes |
An optional field in the Issues Detail for the user to enter text. |
Outdated |
Issue was not fully included in the last Process, so any Overlap visual data or calculated Size may no longer be correct. |
Overlap |
A term for any area of potential z-fighting. Overlaps are shown in Scene view as a material which renders on top of scene geometry. |
Overlap Area |
The size of a z-fighting overlap issue, measured in squared Unity units. |
Overlap Visual |
The visual representation of potential z-fighting issues in the Scene view, showing where geometry intersects or overlaps. |
Pair |
Pair or Mesh Pair Overlap issues are when two different objects have potential z-fighting with each other. |
Partial |
Issue was only partially included in the last Process, such as a mesh intersecting a Volume. Parts of the Size or Overlap of this Issue may not be correct. |
Priority |
An optional property that allows users to categorize issues by importance, with values like Low, Medium, and High. |
Process Only Volumes Toggle |
A setting that limits z-fighting detection to only active Volumes within a scene. |
Process Scene Button |
A button in the Settings Tab that processes the scene using current Detection Settings to detect new z-fighting Issues or update existing ones. |
Re-Check Button |
A button that reprocesses a specific z-fighting issue after potential fixes are made to verify it no longer exists. |
Scene Selection |
A search button to find all Issues involving the selected GameObject from the Scene View or hierarchy. |
Search bar |
Searches the Issue Names by text input. |
Self |
Self or Self Intersection Overlap issues are when an object has potential z-fighting within itself. |
Sensitivity |
The threshold settings (distance and angle) used to determine if two meshes are considered to be z-fighting. |
Settings Tab |
A tab in the ZFighter UI containing controls for configuring detection and processing the scene. |
Show All |
A button in the Issue Details section that reveals all issues when an individual issue is being focused on. |
Sort |
The Issues List may be sorted by any column by either choosing the option in the View Options section of the Issues tab, or by clicking on the column headers in the Issues List. |
Status |
The property used to track the state and progress of a z-fighting Issue, such as Open, Needs Fix, Scene Issue, Prefab Issue, Mesh Issue, and Verify, Won't Fix, and Dismissed. |
Type |
Specifies the type of z-fighting issue, such as Self Intersection Overlap (within one object) or Mesh Pair Overlap (between different objects). |
View Options |
Options that change the way the Overlaps are shown in the Scene View, and which Issues are visible in the Issues list. |
Volumes |
Axis-aligned boxes used to define specific areas of a scene to check for z-fighting. |
Won't Fix |
A status for issues that may have overlap area, but are either trivial, not visible, or otherwise to be ignored. Functionally equivalent to Dismissed. |
z-fighting |
A rendering issue where multiple polygons occupy the same space, causing flickering or visual artifacts. |
ZFighter |
A tool developed by Studio CyFi to find and resolve z-fighting issues in Unity scenes. |