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ZFighter Volumes

Volumes define a limited space to check for z-fighting. Volumes are always axis-aligned boxes. Volumes are affected by the position and size of its GameObject, but ignore rotation.

When Process Only Volumes in the Detection Settings is enabled, and one or more Volume is active, only meshes and triangles within those Volumes are checked for z-fighting. Other meshes are ignored for the next Process Scene operation, and any associated Issues Data is marked Outdated or Partial. Volumes work with triangle bounding boxes. It may be possible for a triangle to not be inside or intersect a Volume, but still be considered if the triangle's bounding box intersects with the Volume.

Note that for Volumes, the active status of the GameObject the Volume component is on is ignored. If the Active property on a ZFighter Volume is set to true, then the Volume is active, even on a disabled GameObject.

To learn more about how to use Volumes, read this guide on working with Volumes.


Volumes have 3 properties:

  • Active
    • If this Volume is active and should be considered when processing. A Volume is only considered if this is true, and Process Only Volumes is set to true in the Settings Tab.
    • The Active property is separate from the Active property for GameObjects. The active status of the GameObject is ignored.
  • Size
    • The size of the Volume relative to the GameObject's Transform.
  • Center
    • The center of this Volume relative to the GameObject's Transform.